Idea taken for a walk…Bryony Benge-Abbott

“An idea is taken for a walk around the Imaginary Museum. Or perhaps it's invited to dance, like a samba that backflips into hip hop, slides into belly dance, twirls into the waltz, cha-chas along its merry way into disco, popping and locking around the different spaces of the Imaginary Museum. Stopping, starting, falling down, getting back up, trying something new - *jazz hands*. Sometimes partnered, sometimes solo, or joined by a whole ensemble. All the time it's twirling and whirling in the most unpredictable way, finding its own path, merging, diverging, moving and delighting in the dance of not knowing, discovering itself and stretching into infinity. Blissfully unaware of the audience; evolving not performing.”


the canvas


spare brain clips